The entry of industry 4.0 has left a large series of technological proposals to help companies to carry out their activities, however, has also brought a lot of risks. The 21st Global PWC CEO Survey revealed that, mostly of international CEOs consider cyber threats to be the main risks for companies. The common objectives of a cyber attack are systems that are weakly fortified or without any security system, and of course, once a company enters the Internet, it will have greater connectivity, but greater vulnerability.
Unfortunately, the shortcomings in cybersecurity of these new industrial environments (such as the IoT), and the same hardware that make them, make them clear objectives for cyber attacks where, theft of sensitive data, hijacking of devices, theft of private or public information, or disclosure of activities and numbers are the order of the day. In terms of impact, cyber attacks are above the average risk, which include weapons of mass destruction, extreme weather events and water crises.
In Mexico, 58% of CEOs do not feel confident about their preparation for cybersecurity. The incidents of cybersecurity that have an impact on the Mexican economy exceeded 3 billion dollars in 2016. Cyber attacks on Mexico are expected to increase due to the combination of the economic situation and growth of FDI and GDP. On the other hand, its strategic position and its links with North America make Mexico an attractive target for espionage groups.
Infrastructure of cyber security in Mexico.
The main companies that are in charge of cybersecurity in the country are: Cisco Talos, Intel Security, Microsoft and IBM, in addition, the government also contributes with laws on personal data regulation, fraud and telecommunications. In 2017, the National Security Strategy for 2030 was published, which seeks to develop a legal, cultural and social framework wich includes knowledge, collaboration against cyber attacks and monitoring and measurements of companies and related interest groups. In addition, the new AMLO government promises to create a national cybersecurity agency.
Mexico must make several improvements in terms of dedicated institutional structures, such as a specialized agency of the public sector, certified under internationally recognized standards. The digital transformation and the increase in the connectivity of the industries and applications makes cybersecurity a key industry, due to its relevance and expectation of growth. Due to the increase in cyber attacks, better protection of users and businesses is required; however, Mexico faces a certain lack of awareness and incentives to invest in cybersecurity, even so, the industry is expected to continue growing, as well as the involvement of companies about their data and of their users.

Soñador y constructor de mundos.